Our Focus
At the YMCA, we measure our success by how well we engage communities in our three areas of focus: for youth development, for healthy living, and for social responsibility. A strong community can only be achieved when we invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
Youth Development
Healthy Living
Social Responsibility

Youth Development
At the YMCA Telavi we believe in providing better opportunities for youth in our community to be able to accomplish their dreams. We create a welcoming atmosphere that allows kids to learn, make friends, and prepare for their future.
English Courses
The YMCA Telavi has over 200 kids currently enrolled in the English program. These classes are taught by our five qualified instructors. We teach English because it provides students with more opportunities to travel abroad, qualify for a foreign education, and qualify for bi-lingual jobs. This is an investment in the future of Georgia and our students graduate with a high level of language skills. We have created our own curiculum over the past ten years and add to it ever year to help improve our program. The students are also visited by native English speakers and have the opportunity to hear pronounciation and other useful skills. The students are also able to participate in other programs that test their English knowledge in a fun and exciting way. These events include writing competitions, spelling competitions, creative writing competitions, grant writing, journalism magazine, etc.

"I really enjoy going to the YMCA and have learned a lot there"

"The YMCA has really helped me to improve my English and be a better person."

"I love the YMCA and coming here every day!"
To contact us about signing up for English lessons.
To meet our English teachers.
To find out more information on pricing.
Young Leaders Club
The YMCA Telavi has a group of students that have expressed interest in learning how to become the future leaders of tomorrow. These students are taught various life skills including: financial management, project creation/planning/management, interview skills, presentation skills, volunteerism, etc. These students also participate in events and excursions all over Georgia to share the knowledge that they are learning and to attend more trainings. These students are encouraged to plan for their futures and will have a positive impact on the community in the future.
To register to be a young leader.
The YMCA Telavi has held many camps all over Georgia. These camps are a chance for Georgian youth to have the opportunity to visit sites around Georgia that they would not normally be able to. These camps have trainings incorporated that also provide the kids with lessons that they can take back to Telavi and implement. There are also various team building exercises to allow the kids to build deeper relationships with one another.

Camp Orange
Ureki, Georgia

Eco Camp

Camp Orange
Ureki, Georgia

New Camp
Tbilisi, Georgia
To contact us about upcoming camps.
Computer Trainings

Healthy Living
At the YMCA Telavi we believe that learning how to live healthy lives will build stronger communities with members that are more active and live longer. We focus on healthy minds and bodies.
Sports Programs
The YMCA Telavi has four current sports programs. These include a basketball league that offers youth the opportunity to learn, practice, and play basketball with others their age. We also organize three-on-three basketball competitions in the Telavi area open to players of all ages. These competitions are also an opportunity for the community to come out and support the players. Another program is martial arts where we work closely with a club to assist in competitions and events to promote the sport and allow the students to show off the skills they learn. Baseball is a new development in Georgia and we are helping to promote the sport by having events where youth are given the opportunity to play and learn. We here at the YMCA Telavi are always seeking more sports and opportunities to encourage our community to be physically activte.

Basketball League

Streetball Competitions

Martial Arts

To contact us about upcoming sporting events.
Healthy Decisions Trainings
The YMCA Telavi has trainings that foucus on problems that face the people of Telavi and Georgia as a whole. These topics include the harmful affects of smoking cigarets, drinking excess amounts of alcohol, healthy eating habbits, positive affects of exercise on the body, etc. These trainings are schedualed throughout the year and are for all members of the community. We think that these trainings will help to change our community to one that lives longer and stronger lives.
To contact us about upcoming trainings.

Social Responsibility
At the YMCA Telavi we believe that taking care of our communities environment and the peole most vaulnerable is of upmost importance. We will leave our community in a better state for the future generations to come.
Volunteerism Club
The YMCA Telavi has started a volunteerism inituative. This club plans to have monthly opportunities for people in the community to paritipate in community projects. We will partner with other NGOs and organizations in the community that are making a positive influence. We will email members about upcoming events and publisize the events once completed. The YMCA will be in charge of keeping volunteers hours and have a competition for the member with the most service hours. We will be involved in a wide range of events and activities for the benifit of all members in the community,
To register to be a volunteer.
To become a partner organization.
To see some of our projects on Facebook.
Internally Displaced People (IDP) Advocacy
The YMCA Telavi has helped to stand up for IDPs and help with their integration intot he local community. We have met with the local IDP communities to assist them in ways that they identify. We also offer free English training for the IDP youth. We have had multiple events to help promote knowledge of the places and regions that the IDP community in Telavi is from. We also plan to reach out to the IDP communities surrounding Telavi to work with them as well. We have been honoured by the head of the IDP community as an organization helping to promote the struggles of the IDP community and work on solutions to fixing them.
To ask us more about our work with IDPs.
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